Swivel Chair Studios

Where artists are artists and artists are very lazy.

Location: United States

Saturday, April 29, 2006


It's official, Off Campus is going on a two month (8 week) hiatus. It will be back late June, I think the 28th. It will be announced formally on the comic page this Wednesday.

With those 8 weeks, I will be productive, I swear. The first three will be me finishing my first year of college... Busy busy. >.< That's the main reason: knowing that I should be updating OC is pretty stressful. The last 5 weeks will be me generating a backlog of OC so I could try to do a more regular schedule, which would rule, since I'm am so excited about the story I'm doing with that comic. It will also be me trying to get my summer under control and doing RSR, when and if Sophie EVER GETS ME SCRIPTS EVER AGAIN.

However, that doesn't mean I'm never updating... I'm updating every Wednesday with OC-related sketches. You can help! If I get enough suggestions for sketches (something random having to do with OC) then the page will update more than once a week with them. ^.^ And you can suggest basically everything. I've already gotten a suggestion for profile pictures... and dismissed them as boring. I need something like Tad cosplaying as Ryoga (drool) or something along those Off Topic lines. ;) And yeah, the cast members will probably already show up in skimpy outfits, so use your suggestion for something else. Feel free to leave your suggestion in the comments section of this post-I'm pretty sure ANYBODY can. THANKS!

In the meantime, ABS is updating tri-weekly until I run out of comics (not for a while), so go check that out.

In a bit, I will be using this blog to discuss and outline my discussion on a philosophical topic, determinism. Your comments on how to improve my arguments are much appreciated, due to the fact that I want this paper to be able to convince somebody who is NOT in philosophy and who might not have ever taken it. Thanks much for your patience.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I'm so busy I only have about five minutes to write this post... seriously.

I have several exams coming up, all of which I have no time to study or prepare for. More than that are the papers that are due either this week or next. I also have a lot of smaller assignments to complete from each class.

I am discovering that being a college student isn't as easy as one might suspect. Therefore, the comic status that I posted before now (see lower blog) is currently EXACTLY the same as it was. Nothing has changed except for the fact that I am compelled to do ABS once a week, and even then, this week it will be hard at best.

Thank you for your patience.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Status Quo

Just the first post referring to the status of the various comics I'm doing and their websites.

Off Campus: I have the script, but no time to flesh it out, so I'll work on that asap.
Ready, Set-Retreat!: not even a script. Blame the writer. Unless you're imaginative, and think you can blame me.
Ghost for Hire: Ha ha ha ha ha. (I have the scripts for the first 27 pages, actually. I just have no time to draw this.)
Alpha Beta Soup: I'm currently in the process of updating the website... You wouldn't care about the progress of the comic because even though I'm going to get it done tonight, you won't see it until sometime in the summer, on the website.

Yeah, busy little me. I still love them all and I'm not NOT working on them, I just have many hurdles to jump for each comic page I do... So obviously I don't have that much time in my life. Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

First Post and Already Blabbing

With the strong suggestion from my cousin, I am starting a blog. This is D. K. Smith, the current and sole owner of Swivel Chair Studios. Basically, I make comics. Check them out, see if you like them, then die at the infrequency of the updates. I love the storylines, I just have no time now that I'm in college.

That will probably be a major topic on this blog, as well. Besides posting my philosophic ramblings (this will NOT be my xanga or a day-to-day events place), I will probably write up the status of a current comic (inked, or just drawn, or script done, or something). I might also write about other webcomics.

In any case, we're already up on the current events. I now have another comic site up, http://abs.comicgenesis.com The good thing about this comic is that it basically updates weekly during the school year, due to the forced involvement, as it's published in The Orion. I'll be updating the site shortly; as of this moment it's all sad and not updated because I'm busy. It won't take me too long, though; plus, I have a massive backlog of comics, so it'll be updating thrice weekly until I run out of comics. Hopefully I'll update it with sketches or faux-comics during the summer, although I can't promise anything.

Thanks for reading.